R112, 2024-10-14

NOTE: Wild Park Derbyshire does not accept paper waivers, please submit electronically.

Wild Park Leisure Ltd ("Wild Park")  Release of Liability.

Please ensure the participant has watched the relevant safety briefings before completing this document. 


"I" is used to refer to any participant named on this disclaimer. 

The date of your activity

Please provide the details of the participant:

Please provide a contact name and number in case of emergency.

Please inform us of any relevant medical conditions or injuries. This information will be treated confidentially & only be disclosed in cases of emergency (eg to paramedics).

If the participant has any existing medical conditions or injuries please detail them here.

Please let us know if the participant has any additional needs including Special Educational Needs. This will help us to be as inclusive as possible and minimise risks.

Please provide details of any additional needs/SENs to enable us to provide the best experience possible.

If you are having food, please advise us of any dietary requirements. Please note that our kitchen handles all allergens and we cannot therefore guarantee food to be free of traces of allergens. Please contact us to discuss this further if required.

I confirm that:

(I understand that if any participants haven't watched the safety briefing they will NOT be permitted to participate in the activity and they will NOT receive a refund.)

If the participant is under the age of 16, an adult over the age of 18 must sign on their behalf (with the ADULT'S signature please). 

Click to Sign

If the participant is under 16, please indicate the relation of the countersignatory to them. (Please leave blank if the participant is over 16).

Fri Oct 18, 2024 

Acknowledgement of Risk

All of our activities carry an element of risk therefore we have carried out stringent risk assessments to ensure that we can provide safety equipment, instruction and supervision to mitigate the risks as far as possible. 
It is important to understand that risks still exist.
The risks involved in all activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Trips, slips and falls due to natural hazards (fallen and falling trees, dead branches, sharp objects, holes). Wearing boots/other footwear with full ankle support is advised.
  • Injury due to unnatural hazards; such as collisions with bridges, fences and vehicles and falling objects such as targets/bosses.
  • Drowning due to falling into streams, ponds and open water on site.
  • Injury/disease caused by other participants/customers/staff.
  • Any existing injuries or medical conditions being worsened by the exhilarating and physical nature of the activities.

The specific risks involved in quad biking include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from falling from a quad bike or by collision with a quad bike or other object; such as trees or fences, or injury caused by impact from a quad bike hitting you. This may include bruising and/or breaking of the skin; broken bones, other serious injury and potential fatality.

The specific risks involved in paintball include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from paintballs or paintball guns. This may include bruising and/or breaking of the skin, damage to the eyes and/or potential blindness.

The specific risks involved in laser tag include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from a laser combat gun. This may include bruising and/or breaking of the skin and broken bones.
  • A reaction to the stroboscopic lighting effects and sudden sounds emitted by the laser combat guns and sensors. Individuals who suffer from epilepsy or other similar conditions should seek medical advice and consult Wild Park staff before participating.

The specific risks involved in laser clays include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from a laser clay gun. This may include bruising and/or breaking of the skin.
  • Injury caused by impact from a clay as it lands.
  • Injury caused by impact from the trap when firing a clay (participants should not be close to this equipment).

The specific risks involved in pistol shooting include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from a pellet or gun. This may include bruising or breaking of the skin, or injury to the eyes and potential blindness.

The specific risks involved in archery and crossbow shooting include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from an arrow/bolt. This may include bruising or breaking of the skin and piercing the body leading to the possibility of serious injury or fatality.
  • Injury caused by impact from a bow. This may include bruising of the skin and broken bones.
  • Injury caused by the string upon firing. This may include bruising or breaking of the skin.
  • Injury caused by trapping the hand or fingers between the string and rail. This may include bruising or breaking of the skin, broken bones and loss of limbs.

The specific risks involved in axe throwing include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury caused by impact from an axe or angel knife. This may include bruising or breaking of the skin/bones and piercing the body leading to the possibility of serious injury or fatality.
  • Injury caused by impact from a target falling. This may include bruising of the skin and broken bones and ,in rare circumstances, death.
  • Injury caused by holding or catching yourself on the sharper edges of the axes or angel knives. This may include a cut to the skin and bleeding. 

I understand that following the instruction of the Wild Park staff and using the safety equipment provided will help to keep myself and other staff and customers as safe as possible. 

Medical Fitness

I understand that the activities are physically and mentally demanding and I need to be fit, healthy and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol to minimise the risk of injury to myself and others. If I have any queries or doubts I will consult a member of staff.

Staff Guidance and Instructions

  • I understand that I am under the jurisdiction of the marshals, instructors & Wild Park staff and must adhere to their instructions and guidance for the safety of myself and others. Failure to comply with these instructions and guidance may result in injury to myself or others and I may be asked to leave without a refund.
  • I also accept responsibility for the equipment supplied and will return the same, in good condition at the end of the day. Deliberate damage, damage caused by failure to follow instruction or loss of said equipment may result in a charge for the items.

Minimum ages unless by prior agreement with Wild Park:

Laser tag - 5 years
Archery - 7 years
Low impact paintball - 9 years (with adult supervision), 10 years unsupervised
Quad biking - 10 years
Crossbows - 10 years
Paintball - First year of secondary school (11/12 years)
Pistols - 16 years
Laser Clays - 10 years